I am riding on the high places of the earth in 2025, by the Help of God. I am experiencing God’s limitless help and taking possession of what belongs to me in Christ Jesus. 
All through 2025, I exude God’s righteousness, grace, peace, and joy. I have an unusual grace and discipline to pray, fast, give and study God’s Word in 2025. Out of my innermost being, I bring forth good things.
I affirm that the Lord is my source! I have the capability to function like Him in the earth; for I was made in His image and in His likeness. I have got all of God’s abilities, wisdom, knowledge, and glory in full quality and quantity. My spirit is enlightened to grasp the deeper truths and higher revelations of God’s Word. 
I have a teachable spirit, and my words are anointed with power because I am filled with the fullness of God! I am seated together with Christ in the place of power; far above all principalities, and power, and might, and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this world but also in that which is to come.
I live in dominion over sin, sickness and infirmities, and every opposing force, accusation or hindrance. Hallelujah! My life is programmed by God, and no hindrance is powerful enough to stop me from making progress.  I am a fruitful branch; I am connected to a source that can never run dry. Hallelujah! My hands are blessed, and whatever I do prospers! 
Today and always, I relish these supernatural blessings that God has lavishly bestowed upon me to excel, prosper, succeed, and make progress in every area of my life. Blessed be the Lord my God. Hallelujah! 


It is my season of the help of God; therefore, everything is compelled to work in my favour! The Lord Himself is directly involved and committed to my restoration, settlement, and establishment this season in the name of Jesus Christ.
I am a child of God - the greatest Creator of all, therefore I carry the DNA of creativity. World-influencing inventions, creativities, innovative ideas and concepts come out of me in the name of Jesus Christ. The Lord is helping me and making all that concerns me spiritually, financially, maritally, materially, mentally, emotionally and on all fronts, to become perfect in this season in the name of Jesus Christ. 

Like Joseph, my gifts make room for me at the very top and in high places. Like David, prophecy takes me from the pastures to the palace. Like Moses, it will be obvious to my world that I'm called of God. Like Cornelius, my prayers, fasting and giving position me in the middle of God's strategic plans and purposes in the name of Jesus Christ, by His great grace.

I step into positions of influence for the sake of the gospel. I am the light of the world; therefore, I shine for men to see and glorify God. I am the salt of the earth; therefore, I influence my world, its ideologies, systems and policies for the kingdom of God.

As a church, Gracebreed steps into MORE. It is the season of divine establishment for Gracebreed Believers Assembly in the name of Jesus Christ.Gracebreed steps into her season of uncommon influence and unprecedented impact and unquestionable affluence. 

This season and the year 2025 will be better because I will be a better me in the name of Jesus Christ. It is indeed my season of the manifold help of God, of distinction, of direction, of moral excellence and supernatural download in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen!


GRACEBREED BELIEVERS ASSEMBLY is my church. I am genuinely planted here. 

I regularly and responsibly attend services in my church GBBA, I contribute to the ministry of my church GBBA through my attendance, giving, serving and inviting of others. 

I strive to build authentic relationships with other members of my church GBBA, by showing care, providing encouragement and praying for their needs. 

I protect the unity of my church, by acting in love toward other members, by refusing to gossip, by following the leaders. 

I share the responsibility of my church by praying for it's growth, and by warmly welcoming those who visit. 

I serve the ministry of my church by inviting people to church, by discovering my gifts and talents, by being equipped to serve with my leaders and by developing a servant's heart. 

I  support the testimony of my church by attending faithfully and living a godly life.

My church, Gracebreed Believers Assembly is a city of Balance, Miracles & Excellence: Where Jesus is Lord, where everyone has a personal relationship with the Holy Spirit, Where miracles are common, Where love is normal. 

Where the enemy is uncomfortable and defeated. It is a city of the presence of the Lord. Yes! These are our realities in GBBA. Thank You Jesus Christ. Hallelujah.



I am a speaking spirit. My words are spirit and they are life. The Bible says that death and life are in the power of my tongue. So I choose this day to speak life to my life. I choose to speak life to my future. I choose to speak life to my soul. I choose to speak life to my body.

The love of God has been shed abroad in my heart by the Holy Spirit. I endeavour to let that love nature dominate me. I have God's love nature in my heart, in my spirit. Therefore, I will not let my natural human nature dominate me. I refuse to allow the flesh to rule me. 

I walk in the spirit by walking in love. I am a lover. I practice and exercise the fruit of love, so it grows and increases. I take no thought for suffered wrong. I make the love of God my greatest quest in life, for then my love shall abound and God shall reap the glory. 

I walk in God's love. I speak ill of no one because God's love works no ill to his neighbour. I am tender hearted, forgiving and gentle; I pursue peace with everyone. I thank you Lord that as I endeavour to grow in the fruit of love, You will help me be all that I can be in You Lord.
Father, I declare that I am an instrument of your love. I see each circumstance in my life as an opportunity to grow in your love. I see my environment as a place to grow in your love. I take the God-kind of love to other people. I declare that I am loyal to those You give me to love, to lead and to serve in the Name of Jesus.


In the Name of Jesus, the Spirit of God has moved me into the realms of limitless possibilities. My life is a fruitful field & a well-watered garden. The Fountain of life flows within me with grace. God has made me fruitful, favoured, and I am fortified forever. I have the God life in me , I dispense life and light to everyone and everything around me. 

I am nourished to flourish in all seasons. I am renewed, refreshed and thoroughly furnished to be fruitful in every good work. My speed in life is sponsored by the Spirit of God. I am going higher every day. I am moving forward, faster in the right direction. I am always early for miracles & divine connections. God has made me unstoppable. I cannot be denied. God has gone ahead to make way for me. I enjoy supernatural open doors and uncommon access to my divine opportunities. I am unstoppable, in Jesus Name.

The presence of God makes me exceptional and elevated in favourable places. God's favour amplifies my abilities and attracts  vital relationships to my life. I enjoy favourable approvals, appraisals, and appointments in the right places. I am destined and designed to be a blessing and a divine advantage to my world.

Father in the name of Jesus, we declare that GBBA walks by faith and not by sight. We are strong and mature in our faith and we practice it daily. We hear God clearly and we continually speak His Word over our lives. We declare that we are growing spiritually, and we walk in the supernatural life. 

Signs, wonders, and miracles are manifested through our lives and we attract others to Christ. We confess that we are anointed and by the anointing on our lives, every yoke is broken and is destroyed; and every burden is lifted in the mighty Name of Jesus, Amen.



This is my season of mind blowing miracles and marvellous help. I enjoy God’s faithfulness and great favour in all areas of my life. I always win! I go from victory to victory, from favour to more favours. The mighty hand of God has lifted me to new realms of rejoicing, rewards, and revival.  I enter into God’s presence with high praises and  joyful songs every day. I raise the sounds of victory and joy because God has won all my battles for me. I enjoy divine vindication and undeniable victories. I will not be silent.

I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. I am deeply rooted in Christ and established in the faith. God's presence is my priority and my permanent residence is in the spirit. I live, move, and have my being in Christ Jesus. God's word dwells richly in me,  in all wisdom. I am planted in the house of God therefore, I flourish in the faith and grow in grace at all times. My life is a well-watered garden and a fruitful field. There is no room for drought in my life. My God has made me fresh, fruitful, and flourishing forever. God's favour causes me to bloom in deserts, and I am forever redeemed to flourish, even in difficult times.

In the Name of Jesus, GBBA and her members become more visible than ever. No more shall we be hidden. The light of God that causes visibility shines on GBBA and her members. We are seen and celebrated by the right people. We are made manifest to those who have the capacity to be a blessing to us;  and to the people we are called to. Gracebreed is seen, acknowledged, favoured and celebrated by all men in the Name of Jesus. 

We declare that the favour of the Lord encompasses Gracebreed and her Members as a shield. We are marvelously helped and favoured by all men. The immeasurable, limitless and overwhelming favour of the Lord produces supernatural increase, promotions, restoration, honor, increased assets, greater victories, recognition, prominence, preferential treatment, granted petitions, favourable policies, and rules for our sake. We win battles in which we do not have to fight. 

Thank You, Lord, for the grace and glory that You give to me. You have withheld nothing good from me. Thank You Lord, for Your favor is upon me, and it establishes the work of my hands. Because of Your favor, my work succeeds.



I affirm that I am favored by God! I live a life of glory, power, and influence, displaying the virtues, perfections, excellence, and wisdom of Christ. I am not of this world; the Father has handpicked me and made me a solution provider, a dispenser of His goodness. I am an extension of His arm of favour to others. Eternal life is at work in me, and every fibre of my being is fully yielded to the Lord to carry out His divine plans through me! I am His living tabernacle; He talks through me, moves through me, and expresses His love and righteousness through me!

I am built up, thriving on my most holy faith, making progress by the supernatural, and rising like an edifice, ever higher and higher, as I pray in the Holy Ghost! I am never disadvantaged! I am born with the ability to reign and rule over the elements of this world. The Father has put in me the yeast to rise above every challenge, therefore, it is impossible to go down irrespective of what is happening in the nations of the world. I know who I am, the child of the Monarch of the universe. Christ in me, the manifestation of glory. Hallelujah!

The mysteries of life are unveiled to my spirit. Never will I walk in darkness; for the true light that lightens every man’s world shines in my heart. I refuse to be described as a victim because I am mightily helped by the Spirit of God. Everywhere I go, the Lord has the right people at the right place and at the right time to favour my course. Hallelujah! I refuse to be a part of the suffering masses; for I have been transferred from the kingdom of this world into the Kingdom of God’s dear Son. Glory to God. Hallelujah!

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I am a believer. I am born again. I know the importance of salvation. I believe and know that I will go to heaven when I die at a very good old age. 

I know those who don't accept Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior before they die, will go to hell. Therefore I will go out of my way to speak to people about Jesus Christ. I will make every sacrifice necessary to win souls for Christ. I will intentionally invite people to church to hear the gospel. 

In the name of Jesus Christ, I declare that I am a soul winner. I am passionate about what the Lord is passionate about. Soul winning is at the core of my life's quest, and purpose in the name of Jesus Christ.

I know, and I believe that soul winning is very important to God, I believe God rewards soul winners, I receive the grace to commit to soul winning in the name of Jesus Christ. I see people as God sees them. I am a minister of reconciliation. I am wise because I win souls. The love of Christ Jesus flows through me. I share Jesus with everyone everywhere. 

My life is one of ever increasing glory, as I fulfil the ministry of reconciliation, bearing and dispensing the divine realities of the gospel to my world. My words are anointed of the spirit to bring salvation to the unsaved, and impart to them the blessing of the gospel, turning them from darkness to light, and bringing them into the glorious liberty of the son of God, in Jesus Name Amen.

Through me, the knowledge of Christ Jesus spreads everywhere, and my triumphs of faith effuse exquisite fragrance of God's glory in every place in Jesus Name, Amen.



Christ has redeemed me from the curse of the law, and I am blessed in every area of life. The blessing of Abraham has come upon me and my household, and I believe we have received our full inheritance. 
I belong to Christ; therefore, I am an heir according to the promise, and a joint-heir with Jesus. Abraham's blessings are mine, I am blessed in the city, I am blessed in the field, I am blessed going out and coming in.

I have unseen resources and spiritual blessings to overcome every negative circumstance. God has given me supernatural wisdom to navigate my finances. God will always provide more than enough. I always know what to do. I always have supernatural ideas and divine strategies. I have insight and solutions for impossible situations. I have the spirit of wisdom and revelation living inside of me.

I filter what I see, what I hear and believe through the promises of God. I build altars in my heart to God's faithfulness. I am supernatural therefore I am not limited to the natural realm. The light of God within me destroys the works of the enemy. My mind, my will and emotions are transformed by God's word.

I know who I am in Christ Jesus and I am living accordingly. I am in unity with the beliefs of Jesus. I have legal access in heavenly places. My spirit is always aware of the unseen realm. My spirit has authority over my mind. God's goodness is my anchor in the storm. 

I thrive in every season. I am thankful that God's promises and my past prayers are working in my life and in my family, my circumstances and my nation. In every situation I face, I have many options, solutions and divine ideas because God always makes ways for me in the name of Jesus Christ Amen



We are Gracebreed, we are the beloved of the Lord, a product of God's divine election.  God's six hundred member house of prayer, love is our nature, divine creativity and excellence is in our DNA, because we are the children of the greatest Creator.  Kingdom greatness is common here. Faithfulness is common here. Prosperity is common here. Great marriages and families are common here.

This is Gracebreed, a gathering of great kingdom ambassadors and pioneers, trailblazers, and pace-setters. This is Gracebreed, home of kingdom billionaire professionals, entrepreneurs and investors. This is Gracebreed, the home of Holy Spirit inspired creativity, innovations, and inventions; home of bold and courageous risk-takers. 

By the power of God at work in us, we are spiritual and exceptional always. In Gracebreed, we enjoy spiritual discernment, supernatural favour and the leading of the Holy Spirit is our daily reality. Because our steps are ordered, we know what to do, when to do, and how to do. We are always at the right place at the right time. We are forever fortunate because we are marvelously helped by God. 

We boldly declare that in Gracebreed, the spirit of excellence, divine health and covenant wealth is our identity. Surely, we spend our days in prosperity and our years in pleasure, because we serve and obey our God.
We are the redeemed of the Lord, we walk in covenant revelational knowledge and fruitfulness is our identity. We bear the fruits of the Holy Spirit. All the gifts of the Holy Spirit are in full manifestation in our lives. We are dynamic and strategic, holy and committed. We are excellent and balanced. We honor God and love men.

We wash our feet in oil and our hands in butter. We lay up silver and gold like dust, and we walk upon the high places of the earth. Lord we thank You for the 600 committed adults that attend our services every Sunday. 
Now thanks be unto God who always causes us to triumph in Christ Jesus Amen.  Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah 



Lord, I thank You that Your mercies over my life never runs out, and Your compassion do not fail. They are new every morning; Great is God’s faithfulness over my life and family. In 2024, I'm sticking with You Lord and because You are on my side, I shall not be moved by any negative circumstance. I declare that as for me and my house, we are covered by the mercy of the Lord.

By Your mercy Lord, lost grounds are recovered, lost opportunities are restored, lost relationships are re-established and I have Your divine wisdom to make the best of them. By the mercy of GOD, no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and my errors will not count against me. In 2024, I am enjoying the mercy factor, therefore, I start and finish every project with shouts of victory. The voice of mercy speaks freedom, right-standing and right-living on my behalf before GOD and man. 

Concerning our nation Nigeria, we decree and declare that righteousness and justice are the foundation of our policies. We declare the mercy of GOD over our leaders and the entire citizenry; we forbid wickedness and violence in high places henceforth, and we declare that corruption and violence is dislodged into the distant past of our history. We declare that Nigeria will arise and shine and fulfill her divine destiny in Jesus Name.

Father, this is GRACEBREED your 600 members strong house of prayers. Lord we decree that we have 600 committed adults attending our church service in Gracebreed Believers Assembly every Sunday.

At The GRACEBREED BELIEVERS’ ASSEMBLY we are models of excellence, righteousness, faithfulness and fruitfulness. We are Grace Made, high flyers, vision runners and nation builders. Out of this house are emerging great kingdom ambassadors, global entrepreneurs, worthy policy makers, enviable professionals, men and women of zeal and knowledge. We decree that we are helped, blessed and enjoying the mercy of GOD at all times. This is our year of bearing fruits.  We receive the Grace and wisdom to bear fruits in the name of Jesus Christ. We are exceeding limitations and our GOD is exceeding all of our expectations in JESUS NAME AMEN


In this season of EPHRAIM, supernatural download, and one thousand hours of tongues. My mind is blessed with fresh ideas that are not common to men. 
I take on challenges and win, winning is my lifestyle and excellence is my calling in the Name of Jesus Christ.

I function in supernatural wisdom. I am guided in the path of life and led by the Spirit in the direction of God's perfect will for me. I am empowered to see the invisible and to do the impossible.
I declare that my life is for glory and beauty, and in my path is life, success, victory, divine health and wealth. I am fruitful and useful. 
I am majestic, stable, durable, and incorruptible, like a cedar in Lebanon. I fulfill my calling and walk in God's pre-arranged path for my life by the power of the Holy Spirit. I am shielded from all evil and corrupting influences of the world. affirm that I am fruitful and productive in all my financial ventures, regardless of any economic environment.

I am anointed to prosper, my thoughts are divinely inspired and money is a slave to my ideas. I have access to the unending, boundless, fathomless, incalculable, and exhaustless riches of Christ. 
Wisdom rules my heart, wisdom rules my character, wisdom rules my thoughts, wisdom rules my finances, wisdom rules my family, wisdom rules my children,
wisdom rules Nigeria. Excellent wisdom is at work in me. I am discreet, I am wise and precise, I deal wisely in the affairs of life. 

I am an effulgence of God’s glory; the radiance of His grace and beauty. The Holy Spirit has granted to me the supernatural advantage in life. I have been divinely enabled to walk in righteousness, prosperity, health, success and victory.


We, the body of believers at GRACEBREED BELIEVERS ASSEMBLY, Your five hundred member House of prayer; enforce God’s original plans and purposes in our lives, and in the life of this ministry. We are citizens of the kingdom of God and we have what we say. We are doers of the Word of God and not just hearers only. We are what the Word of God says we are, we have what the Word of God says we have, and we can do what the Word of God says we can do. We hold fast to our confession.

We are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus, we are sanctified, consecrated and separated from the world.
We are the healed of the Lord. Jehovah Rapha has taken sickness and disease away from the midst of us. We have a sound mind and body. 

We are redeemed from debt, poverty and lack. Every household of GRACEBREED is blessed and living under an open heaven. We are increasing more and more. Wealth and riches are in our houses. We are sowing bountifully and reaping a bountiful harvest on every seed sown.

We have strong marriages and families, that are knitted together in love and rooted in the Word of God.  Our youth fear the Lord, and obey and honor their parents. We bind every demonic attack against our families and speak life, joy, love and peace over our households.

We decree that we have 500 committed adults attending our services every Sunday. The supernatural Word of God is prevailing in every area of our lives. We are fighting the good fight of faith and laying hold to eternal life. We are overcomers and our faith is the victory that overcomes the world. Now thanks be unto God Who always causes us to triumph in Christ! In Jesus’ Name, Amen.



 It is my season of EPHRAIM; therefore, everything is compelled to work in my favour! The Lord Himself is directly involved and committed to my restoration, settlement, and establishment this season in the name of Jesus Christ. 
I am a child of God - the greatest Creator of all, therefore I carry the DNA of creativity. World-influencing inventions, creativities, innovative ideas and concepts come out of me in the name of Jesus Christ.
The Lord is establishing me and making all that concerns me spiritually, financially, maritally, materially, mentally, emotionally and on all fronts, to become perfect in this season in the name of Jesus Christ.
Like Joseph, my gifts make room for me at the very top and in high places. Like David, prophecy takes me from the pastures to the palace.  Like Moses, it will be obvious to my world that I'm called of God.  
Like Cornelius, my prayers, fasting and giving position me in the middle of God's strategic plans and purposes in the name of Jesus Christ. I consistently produce extraordinary results, and I am becoming a wonder to my world.
Because I am joined to the Lord, I live to my optimal potential spiritually. I love the Lord, I love His presence and His people, I'm one spirit with Him, and I discern the deep things of God.
I am born of God and have been conceived by His incorruptible seed. The grace of the Lord Jesus, the love of God, and the unbroken fellowship of the Holy Spirit abide with me forever.



This is Gracebreed, Your five hundred member house of prayer, where love is our nature. We attest that kingdom greatness is common here.
Faithfulness is common here. Prosperity is common here. Great marriages and Families are common here. This is Gracebreed, a gathering of great kingdom ambassadors and pioneers, trailblazers, and pace-setters. This is Gracebreed, home of kingdom billionaire ministers, entrepreneurs and investors; home of Holy Spirit inspired creativities, innovations, and inventions; home of bold and courageous risk-takers. 
By the power of God at work in us, we are spiritual and exceptional always. In Gracebreed, we enjoy spiritual discernment, supernatural favour and the leading of the Holy Spirit is our daily reality. 
Because our steps are ordered, we know what to do, when to do, and how to do. We are always at the right place at the right time. We are forever fortunate because we are marvelously helped by God. 

We boldly declare that in Gracebreed, spirit of excellence, divine health and covenant wealth is our identity. Surely, we spend our days in prosperity and our years in pleasure, because we serve and obey our God.
We are the redeemed of the Lord, we walk in covenant revelation knowledge and fruitfulness is our identity.  We bear the fruit of the Holy Spirit. All the gifts of the Holy Spirit are in full manifestation in our lives. 
Behold, we are the Ephraim of this generation! We are dynamic and strategic, obedient and committed. We are excellent and balanced. We honor God and love men. We wash our feet in oil and our hands in butter.
We lay up silver and gold like dust, and we walk upon the high places of the earth. Lord we thank You for the 500 committed adults that attends our services every Sunday. Hallelujah!
Now thanks be unto God who always causes us to triumph in Christ Jesus Amen.  Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah 


This is Gracebreed, where love is our nature. We attest that greatness is common here. Faithfulness is common here. Prosperity is common here. Great marriages are common here.
This is Gracebreed, a gathering of great pioneers, trailblazers, and pace-setters. This is Gracebreed, home of billionaire entrepreneurs and investors; home of creativities, innovations, and inventions; home of bold and courageous risk-takers.   

By the power of God at work in us, we are spiritual and exceptional always. In Gracebreed, we enjoy spiritual discernment, and the leading of the Holy Spirit is our daily reality. Because our steps are ordered, we know what to do, when to do, and how to do. We are always at the right place at the right time. We are forever fortunate and always favored. 
We boldly declare that in Gracebreed, divine health and covenant wealth is our identity. Surely, we spend our days in prosperity and our years in pleasure, because we serve and obey our God. We are the redeemed of the Lord, and fruitfulness is our identity. We bear the fruit of the Holy Spirit. All the gifts of the Holy Spirit are in full manifestation in our lives. 
Behold, we are the Ephraim of this generation! We are dynamic and strategic. We are excellent and balanced. We wash our feet in oil and our hands in butter. We lay up silver and gold like dust, and we walk upon the high places of the earth. Hallelujah!


I boldly confess that I am divinely backed by the host of Heaven, and the spirit of excellence is at work in me, both to will and to do of God’s good pleasure.

The truths of God are unveiled to my spirit, and by them, I walk in the realms of glory. Indeed, I am an associate of the God-kind; a partaker of His grace, glory, and the expression of His righteousness.

Heavenly Father, I covenant with You now to always give voice to Your Word and never give voice to the words of the enemy. I declare that I am the redeemed of the Lord, forever delivered from sickness, poverty, and spiritual death.

Because of the creative force of my faith-filled words, I hold fast unto the profession of faith without wavering. I embrace the glorious truths the Father has spoken concerning me, and I walk in the reality of my blessings in Christ. Hallelujah!



Father, we thank You for being the Good Shepherd of GRACEBREED BELIEVERS ASSEMBLY, Your expanding house of prayer. We are Your inheritance, purchased and covered by the blood of Jesus. 
We are fulfilling Your commission to win the lost, make disciples and establish Your Kingdom in all the earth. Father, by Your Spirit we call the lost from the north, south, east and west into this church and every service is filled and overflowing.  

We decree that signs, wonders, and miracles confirm Your Word preached, leading multitudes to salvation. We receive a fresh rhema-Word from heaven in every service to feed Your sheep, and we decree that they shall not wander.
We pray that You will restore the hearts of individuals who are backslidden, offended,or turned away. 
We call them back into the Kingdom, transformed and renewed. We are the righteousness of God, therefore, we are entitled to covenant kindness and covenant favour. 
The favour of God is among the righteous, therefore it surrounds us everywhere we go and in everything we do. Never again will we be without the favour of God. Favour rests richly upon us, and profusely abounds in us. 
We are experiencing God's favour immeasurably, limitlessly, and surpassingly.
Favour produces supernatural increase, promotion, restoration, honor, increased assets, greater victories, recognition, prominence,
preferential treatment, petitions granted, policies and rules changed, and battles won in which we do not have to fight. This is the time of God's favour in GRACEBREED, because it is our Glory Days
In the name of Jesus Christ Amen. 


I am a Gracebreed.
I affirm that everything within my world conforms to God’s perfect will and purpose for me.

Dear Heavenly Father, I thank You for filling me with Your Spirit. Thank You for revealing Christ Jesus to me, and for granting me insight into mysteries and secrets of the Kingdom.

Thank You Lord, for activating the power of Your Spirit within me, to cause a radical change in circumstances, and to live triumphantly.

By the Spirit, my mind is anointed to think excellent thoughts.
As my faith is strengthened by the Word, I am always inspired, to think on things that are true, honest, just, pure, lovely, and of good report.

My eyes are enlightened to see the right opportunities and I am well positioned to eat of the good of the land.
Therefore, I know what to do; I know when to act; and I know how to act, through the guidance and light that I receive from the Holy Spirit and the Word.

In perfect agreement, we speak the blessings, prosperity and peace of God upon Nigeria. We declare that God orchestrates, appoints, and establishes the Nigerian leadership & governance across all tiers and organs, according to His good plans for Nigeria. AMEN.

Even now, as we speak in tongues, and speak forth the Word; we are transported into higher realms of glory, where we reign in righteousness and excellence, in Jesus’ Name. AMEN.


I boldly confess that I owe my stability to the faithfulness of the Lord. If it had not been the Lord who was on my side, the waters of life would have overwhelmed me. But thanks be to God, who leads me from victory to victory; from strength to strength, and from glory to even greater glory. Hallelujah!

I declare that the Lord is my source and confidence, and He is causing His glory to manifest in my life. From today, I discern the channels of my God-ordained blessing, and I receive the wisdom and grace to honour my helpers.

By God’s enablement, I develop the right mindset and attitude to receive & maintain my divine helpers in Jesus’ name.

According to God’s will, my divine helpers are prompted now to help me and facilitate the fulfilment of God’s purpose for my life. As I receive strategic divine helpers, I receive the capacity to also be a helper to those God is leading me to, in the name of Jesus Christ, AMEN.

By the good hand of God upon me, principal men and custodians of wealth are attracted to my life now. My path is orchestrated in the right direction always, and I walk in divine precision and guidance.

In this year, I prosper spiritually, materially, and in health, by the word of God. In this year, my passion for God and His Kingdom is multiplied daily. In this year, every day is greeted with the manifestation of God’s glory upon me, and it is indeed my glory days in the name of Jesus Christ, AMEN.