The path of the righteous is the sequence in which the upright function. It is the  system in which believers operate. Proverbs 4:18 says:  "The path of the righteous is like the morning sun, shining ever brighter till the full light of day." This reveals a pattern in which God Himself operates—light! The light of God is a defining factor in the life of a righteous man, and in order to have God’s light, one must walk with God. God is righteous and it is His desire that since we were made in his image, we should also be righteous. 1 Peter 1:16 says: “Because it is written, 'Be holy, for I am holy'”. 

Who is a righteous man? A righteous man is one who has accepted the gift of salvation through faith in Christ—this is the first step towards righteousness. After a man has accepted Jesus into his life, he enters into the next step towards righteousness: studying the Word (renewing his mind) and talking to God in prayers daily. Fellowship with God seals a man’s decision to walk with God—it helps him to be committed and faithful to God (Psalm 1:1-2).

As God's children on Earth, we operate by His system which requires that we live a life of righteousness,  capable of bringing glory to God’s Name. Just as His righteousness caused light to shine in darkness, He causes the path of the righteous to break forth as light even unto the perfect day. Mathew 5:14,16 assures us that we're the light of the world and cannot be hidden; let your light so shine before men today, that they may see you and glorify your Father in heaven. SHALOM! 


Dear Father, thank You for the gift of righteousness. Give me a heart that seeks to fellowship with You. I declare that my life is as a shining light, and it brings glory to Your Name always. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.