The word accountable means being responsible or answerable for something or someone. As a believer, the principle of accountability begins with being responsible for what God has given you. Romans 14:12 says: "So then each of us shall give account of himself to God.” We are not assigned to God's work without purpose: we have a responsibility to attend to the things that have been entrusted to us and will give account to God in time (2 Corinthians 5:10). 

Accountability is a very important attribute. One of the benefits is that it helps you remain consistent, and consistency is a key to success. Without accountability, it is difficult and almost impossible to measure your progress as a believer. Remember the parable of the talent in Matthew 25. The first two servants doubled what was placed in their hands, taking responsibility for what was given them, while the last was irresponsible and did not make use of what was given him, but rather buried it. In the end, what he had was taken away from him and given to those who took responsibility for themselves.

As Christians, God has given us so much and He expects us to use it for His glory. You must not allow God's resources in your life to remain dormant or be wasted, because you will give an account for His investment(s) in you. 1 Corinthians 4:2 says: “Now it is required that those who have been given a trust must prove faithful.” Take responsibility for your gifts and resources today, to multiply and nurture them, ultimately to the benefit and glory of the Kingdom. SHALOM! 


Dear Father, I thank You for the potential You have instilled in me. I declare that I am faithful towards Your work. I enjoy increased wisdom to be responsible at all times, in Jesus' Name. Amen.