Every farmer plants seeds with the intention of the seed bearing fruit. Therefore, they provide fully the necessary resources to make sure that the seed grows and produces good fruit. God is the father of farmers, and a major biblical principle is the principle of seed-time and harvest. Every believer is likened to a part of a tree God has planted which He expects to bring forth fruit. When we are fruitful parts of this Body, He rewards us. However, He also prunes off parts hindering us from being fruitful for the benefit of the harvest. 

The Bible says in John 15:2: "Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit He takes away; and every branch that bears fruit He prunes, that it may bear more fruit." God is interested in our fruitfulness as believers, and fruitfulness in the Kingdom is measured by soul winning. The business of the Kingdom is that of harvesting the souls of men. John 1:15 explains that God is a husbandman or gardener, and the garden He tends is the Body of Christ. Every believer is a member of this Body and just as every farmer, God expects us to be fruitful.

As believers,  we must be  intentional in the area of soul winning. We have received a great gift in salvation, and so we must present our best effort in sharing this gift with the rest of the world. God is never happy with a fruitless believer. As Christians, our lives must be devoted to being fruitful, as it is only a fruitful branch that receives the attention of the gardener. Fruitfulness is the key to being blessed in the Kingdom. SHALOM! 


I declare that I am a fruitful branch in God's vineyard. I will never be a barren branch. From today onwards I live a life that gives glory to God and attract multitudes to the Kingdom of God, In Jesus' Name. Amen.