God's ways are perfect and all His promises are true. Whatever God says He would do must definitely come to pass, but most times the method He uses to bring them to fulfillment are beyond human understanding. God’s way is perfect. Psalm 18:30 says: "God’s way is perfect. All the LORD’s promises prove true. He is a shield for all who look to him for protection."

As humans, we tend to rationalize God's ways and this makes us to limit God. Abraham and Sarah in the Bible received a divine promise, but along the line they tried to help God and that resulted in a costly mistake. Nonetheless, eventually God's promise still came to pass His own time and way. As believers, we are to trust the promises of God in His Word and respect His ways of bringing them to fulfillment. He says in His Word that His ways are not our ways and His thoughts are not our thoughts (Psalm 58:8). God knows the end from the beginning and His plans, no matter how abstract they seem, will always come to fulfillment. 

As believers, we are therefore to hold unto God's Words in faith, trusting Him to fulfill His promises in His own way and time. Sometimes, it might feel like things are taking a turn in a negative direction, but we should be comforted in knowing that all things work together for our good and according to God's purpose (Romans 8:28). His thoughts towards us are of good and not evil, to bring us to an expected end (Jeremiah to 29:11); all we have to do is trust His ways. SHALOM! 


Thank You Lord for Your
promises towards me written in Your Word. I believe that Your ways are perfect and I respect the process you are taking me through to reach my promise. In Jesus' Name, Amen.