To recover means to get back something that was once lost. One of our privileges as Believers is that we can never truly lose anything that is meant for us. The moment we became saved, God started the process of recovering everything the enemy had stolen from us; even the the things we were unaware of. This includes lost time, properties and opportunities. 1 Samuel 30:8 says: "So David inquired of the LORD, saying, “Shall I pursue this troop? Shall I overtake them?” And He answered him, “Pursue, for you shall surely overtake them and without fail recover all.” God is a specialist at complete recovery and restoration. 

Maybe we have lost something valuable to us—it may be our finances, job, or even our health; because we
are in Christ, all these things will be recovered. The death of Christ on our behalf, has made it possible for us to recover all that the enemy has taken away from us.

The primary key to recovery is to hear from God. When David and his men lost all they had and their wives and children were taken captive by the Philistines, David sought God's face first and God instructed him to go forth and recover all. It is not God's wish for any of His children to suffer losses. No matter the loss we face, we must trust in God's ability to restore them back to us in many folds. As Believers, the most important thing for us to do in every such situation is to to seek the face of God; and just as He told David, we will pursue, overtake and recover all.


Thank You Father, for I know You are more than able to restore everything the devil has stolen from me. Give me the grace to put my total trust in You and seek Your face first whenever I face losses. In Jesus' Name, Amen.