As Christians, we have been called to the great commission of spreading the goodness of Christ. We are blessed when we fulfill this purpose. Isaiah 52:7 says: "How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings, who proclaim salvation, who say to Zion, 'Your God reigns'."

Our gospel is one of peace and reconciliation.  It is our responsibility to let people know that God is no longer angry with them; He is ready to welcome them and He wants to have a personal relationship with them. It is is important for us to know that people out there are desperately in need of salvation. Some may not even know that they have this need, because the god of this world has blinded them, however, it is our duty to bring the light of salvation to them. 

Just as messengers in the times of war in the old days would ride from the battled field to announce victory and peace to the people in the city, we ought to take advantage of every opportunity we have to share the gospel of peace with people we come in contact with. When we do this, God is happy with us, heaven rejoices, and our reward both in heaven and on earth increases. As believers this must be our number one priority. Freely we have received, so freely we must give. SHALOM! 


Thank You Father for the beautiful gift of salvation You've given to me. Help me to spread that gift to everyone around me with love and joy, bringing salvation to the souls of the lost. In Jesus' Name. Amen.