One of the best attitudes an individual can posses is the habit of giving thanks. Giving thanks allows you focus on your blessings rather than your lack. For a Believer, having a heart of gratitude means that we acknowledge our blessings, and God who provides them. Gratitude produces contentment, whereas ingratitude causes greed, envy, murmur and hatred. Showing gratitude does not invalidate our
ambitions, it only means that we are content with what we have while working honestly and diligently for the things we desire. 1 thessalonians 5:18 says: "in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you." When we show gratitude, we provoke God's blessings. As Believers, our response to every situation must be thanksgiving; we must know that God's plan for us are good. We must ensure that our happiness is not dependent on things that are temporal but on things that are eternal, knowing that all things work together for God's children (Romans 8:28). This will help us to be thankful always. In the midst of the storm, you can remember the goodness of God and give thanks. It's just as the hymnist say: "count your blessings, name them one by one, and it will surprise you what the Lord has done...". We must learn to be thankful in all things. SHALOM!

Dear Father, I thank You for the many blessings that I enjoy, for the things You did before, and for the things I know You will do in my future. In good times and bad, I will always be grateful to You Lord. Open my eyes to see the hand of God in every situation that troubles me, so that I may praise You through them. In Jesus' name, Amen.