Salvation is the most powerful experience that could happen to anyone who has decided to live for Jesus. When we receive salvation, a spiritual transaction has been made; we are translated from the
kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of God by the power of the blood of Christ. When we believe in the sacrifice of Christ and confess Him with our mouth, we are saved! Romans 10:10 says: "For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation." As labourers in God's vineyard, we must be deliberate about those who do not believe because God
is passionate about them. 

We must know, ensuring that everyone knows too, that the gift of salvation is given freely to anyone who would just believe in Jesus Christ. As Believers, it is our responsibility to spread that gift to the
rest of humanity, just as Christ instructed. The very love of God has been shed abroad in our hearts for this very purpose - that we might have compassion for the souls of the lost. When we become
intentional about sharing the gift of salvation with everyone around us, we fulfill the mandate that is upon us as believers- propagating the Gospel of Christ and populating the kingdom of God. SHALOM!

Dear Father, I thank You for Your priceless gift of salvation, and for the sacrifice of Your Son on the cross. I ask that You give me the grace and boldness to share the gift of salvation with as many souls
as | encounter, In Jesus' name. Amen.

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