To share a burden entails striving to ease the weight of another person when they face challenging situations, and by extension bringing them relief and comfort. The Body of Christ - the Church exists for this purpose too.

It forms a unified community, bound by the love of God, shouldering the burdens of her members. Galatians 6:2 tells us: "Bear ye one another's burdens, and so fulfil the law of
Christ." As Believers, it is our responsibility to extend help to our brethren who may be going through difficult circumstances.

It is God's intention that Believers love and support one another. When we have brethren in our lives who confide in us and in whom we feel at ease confiding in, we are relieved of the weight of life's burdens and we can find God's help through His people.

This way, We are strengthened by one another and can bear the weight of each others' burdens. As a church, we share each other's burdens by interceding for our brethren, giving to those who may need, offering words of encouragement, and so on. As members of one body, we must strive to reach out to one another, spiritually and physically, sharing burdens and strengthening each other as the Lord Jesus
exemplified. SHALOM!

Dear Father, I thank You for the gift of family and fellowship. Lord, place a burden in my heart for my brethren, and help me recognize that I am not alone in God's house. I declare that I am a channel for God's love and grace, in Jesus's name. Amen.