In the journey of life, we must come to a point where we must choose which side we stand on. The question arises: "are you on the Lord's side"? What does it mean when we affirm our position on the side of God? 

Being on the Lord's side means: surrendering our will to His divine purpose and allowing His righteousness to guide our actions; embracing His teachings and living in obedience to His commandments. Mathew 6:24 says: "No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will be loyal to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon."
When we are on the Lord's side, we surrender ourselves whole heartedly to His instructs.

Being on the Lord's side does not exempt us from challenges or trials. In fact, it often invites opposition and resistance from the world. However, we can take comfort in knowing that the Lord fights for those who are His. He grants us strength and courage to face adversity, and He provides wisdom and discernment to navigate through life. On the Lord's side, we find refuge in His unfailing love, the joy of His presence and His fathfulness. We must choose each day to be on the Lord's side, for in doing so, we find the ultimate purpose, fulfilment, and eternal security that can only be found in His (Mathew 6:33)

Dear Father, I thank You because You take care of those who are Yours. Help me to choose You everyday, in every area of my life. May my choices never be the reason my breathren turn away from You. in Jesus' Name. Amen.