As Believers, there are so many things we can give to God to show our love and commitment to Him. When you look around you, God's blessings are evident; you are blessed with so many material blessings, and above all, you have the gift of salvation. In recognition of this, we must learn to give thanks to God. Praising God shows that we acknowledge and reverence Him. The Bible says in Psalm 150:6 - "Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Praise the Lord!" This means that regardless of how turbulent our lives may feel, we must remember to praise the one who gives us life, and would alter situations for our sake.

We have been made for the fulfilment of various God-given purposes, one of which is giving thanks to God always. Because God has bless us so much and loved without price, the very least we can offer Him in return is our whole hearted praise. Hebrew 13:15 says: "Therefore by Him let us continually offer the sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of our lips, giving thanks to His name."

We must learn to acknowledge the Lord, His goodness and His love always. Thanksgiving is the one way through which we can show that we acknowledge all that He has done for us. We must be thankful to God always. SHALOM!.


Dear Father, I thank You because You are my source and my God. Lord, help me to recognize that YOu are the reason I can live, and that You will always have good plans for me. May my praise touch your heart always. in Jesus' Name. Amen