Christ came to the earth and died for our sins that every believer might be made free. At salvation every man who believes becomes free from the bondage and condemnation of sin which has been present since the first man sinned. John 8:36 says: “If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.” For something or someone to be free, it means they were in bondage or having the probability of being in bondage.

When Adam fell, the whole human race fell into the captivity of the devil and from that moment, God started the process of reconciling man back to Himself and setting them free from the bondage of satan.
When Christ came to the earth, He purchased our freedom by dying on the cross, therefore, as many that receive Him can no longer be under any bondage of the devil.
However, if we are ignorant of this truth, the devil may take advantage of our ignorance to inflict pain and suffering on us and that is why we must pursue the knowledge of God’s Word with passion.

Jesus did not just set us free from sin to be by ourselves, He has also given us His righteousness, by which we can stand before the Father with a conscience of guilt, shame or condemnation. The Bible says in Romans 8:1 that there is therefore now no condemnation for believers who love God and are called according to His purpose. We must therefore exercise this gift of freedom as we live lives far removed from sin and focused on righteousness and the gospel of the Kingdom. SHALOM!


Father I thank you for the precious gift of salvation. I thank you for sending your Son to die for me and granting me freedom over sin and every bondage of the devil. Help me to live a life that fully utilizes this freedom I have in Christ. In Jesus Name. Amen.